What is Gynaecomastia?

“Gynaecomastia” refers to a condition usually seen in men. This condition is characterised by excessive growth of male breasts. It is usually caused by hormonal imbalances, but sometimes other factors such as obesity or the use of certain medications can also be effective. The main cause of gynaecomastia is an imbalance of the hormones oestrogen and testosterone in the body. Increased estrogen levels or decreased testosterone levels in men can cause breast tissue to grow.

Gynaecomastia can occur temporarily during hormonal changes in youth and usually resolves spontaneously over time. However, in some cases, especially in old age or due to certain health conditions and medications, gynaecomastia can become permanent. This can cause social and psychological discomfort and some people may seek treatment for aesthetic or medical reasons.

Treatment options include hormonal therapy, medication and, in some cases, surgery. However, it is important to accurately diagnose the underlying cause of gynaecomastia before starting treatment. In some cases, if an underlying health problem is causing gynaecomastia, treatment of this problem can also correct gynaecomastia.

What Causes Gynaecomastia (Breast Enlargement) in Men?

Gynaecomastia in men, ie breast enlargement, can develop due to several different causes. This condition is characterised by abnormal growth of male breasts and is often associated with hormonal imbalances. The main factors leading to gynaecomastia are as follows:

Hormonal Imbalances: An increase in the hormone estrogen, which is normally found at low levels in the male body, or a decrease in the male hormone testosterone can cause breast tissue to grow. This imbalance is usually seen during periods of intense hormonal changes such as adolescence, middle age and old age.

Obesity: Excess weight can cause more estrogen to be produced in the body. Fat tissue plays a role in estrogen production, which is why gynaecomastia is more common in obese men.

Medication: Some medications can lead to gynaecomastia, especially antidepressants, anxiety medications, antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs and heart medications. In addition, steroid use can also cause hormonal imbalances and consequently gynaecomastia.

Health Conditions: Some health problems such as liver diseases, kidney failure, hypogonadism (inability of the testicles to produce enough testosterone) and thyroid disorders can also lead to gynaecomastia.

Ageing: Testosterone levels naturally decrease in men as they age. These hormonal changes can lead to enlargement of breast tissue.

Alcohol and Drug Use: Excessive alcohol use and some drugs (e.g. marijuana) can lead to hormonal imbalances and thus gynaecomastia.

Gynaecomastia is usually painless and does not pose a serious health hazard, but sometimes it can cause pain or tenderness. It can also affect a person’s self-esteem and social life. It is important to consult a health professional for diagnosis and treatment. Treatment options include medication and surgery, but the underlying cause must first be determined.

What is False Gynaecomastia?

“False gynaecomastia” is a condition characterised by fat accumulation in the chest area in men and should not be confused with true gynaecomastia. True gynaecomastia is a condition related to abnormal growth of breast tissue, while pseudo-gynecomastia is only related to increased fat storage in the chest area. False gynaecomastia is usually caused by the following factors:

Obesity and weight gain: Excess fat accumulation in the body, especially in the chest area, can cause the appearance of false gynaecomastia.

Ageing: As age advances, the distribution of fat in the body changes and fat accumulation in the chest area may become more common in men.

Lack of Physical Activity: Low levels of physical activity can lead to an increase in the proportion of fat in the body and thus fat accumulation in the chest area.

False gynaecomastia can usually be reduced or eliminated with diet and exercise. A healthy eating plan and regular exercise can be effective in reducing the amount of fat in the chest area. In some cases, especially in people with severe fat accumulation, surgical methods such as liposuction may also be considered.

It is important to understand the difference between true gynaecomastia and false gynaecomastia because the treatment approaches are different. False gynaecomastia can be managed with lifestyle changes, as it is basically a fat accumulation problem. However, it is always best to consult a health professional to determine the cause of breast enlargement and choose the appropriate treatment method.

Who is at Risk of Gynaecomastia?

Individuals at risk of gynaecomastia usually come from the following groups:

Adolescents: During puberty, hormonal imbalances are common. During this period, the imbalance between estrogen and testosterone hormones in men can cause temporary gynaecomastia.

Middle Age and Older Men: As age advances, testosterone levels naturally decrease in men, while estrogen levels may remain relatively constant or increase. These hormonal changes increase the risk of gynaecomastia.

Individuals Experiencing Obesity: In overweight or obese individuals, fat tissue in the body can increase estrogen production, which can lead to gynaecomastia.

Those Who Use Some Medications: Some medications, especially antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, some heart medications, antibiotics and anabolic steroids, can cause gynaecomastia.

Alcohol and Drug Users: Excessive alcohol consumption and certain drugs (such as marijuana) can cause hormonal imbalances and increase the risk of gynaecomastia.

People with Certain Health Conditions: Certain health conditions such as liver diseases, kidney failure, thyroid disorders and hypogonadism can lead to hormonal imbalances and increase the risk of gynaecomastia.

Anabolic Steroid Users: The use of anabolic steroids, which is common among bodybuilders or athletes, can lead to hormonal imbalances and thus gynecomastia.

Those undergoing Chemotherapy or Radiation Therapy: Some cancer treatments can affect hormonal balances and lead to gynaecomastia.

To reduce the risk of gynaecomastia, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, avoid excessive alcohol and drug use and seek medical attention when necessary. In suspicious cases or when changes are noticed in the chest area, consulting a health professional is the best approach.



What are the Causes of Breast Growth in Men?

Natural Hormone Changes

In men, imbalances between the hormones estrogen and testosterone can lead to enlargement of breast tissue. Puberty can cause temporary gynaecomastia due to hormonal fluctuations, and decreasing testosterone levels in middle age and old age can cause enlargement of breast tissue. Hormonal changes can be triggered by various factors such as genetic factors and lifestyle. Natural hormonal changes are usually temporary, but can sometimes turn into permanent gynaecomastia.

Drugs Causing Gynaecomastia

Certain medications, especially antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications and some heart medications, can lead to gynaecomastia.

Anabolic steroids and hormone therapies can cause hormonal imbalances and gynaecomastia.

Some cancer treatments, especially drugs used for hormone-sensitive cancers, can have an effect on breast tissue.

Various prescription medications, including antipsychotics and antiulcer drugs, can increase the risk of gynaecomastia.

Drug-induced gynaecomastia usually resolves with discontinuation of the drug, but in some cases it may be permanent.



Drugs and Alcohol

Drug use can affect estrogen and testosterone levels in the body, which causes breast tissue to grow. Alcohol can affect hormonal metabolism by impairing liver function and increase the risk of gynaecomastia. Gynaecomastia associated with drugs and alcohol use may regress with cessation of use.

Health Problems

Liver diseases, renal failure and thyroid disorders can cause hormonal imbalances and gynaecomastia.

Hormonal production disorders such as hypogonadism can lead to testosterone deficiency and enlargement of breast tissue.

Obesity can lead to an increase in adipose tissue in the body and thus elevated estrogen levels.

Tumours, especially tumours in the testis, adrenal gland or pituitary gland, can lead to hormonal imbalances.

Some genetic conditions or rare diseases can also cause gynaecomastia and usually require more complex treatment.

Herbal Products

Some plant foods, such as soya products, contain phytoestrogens and may increase the risk of gynaecomastia.

Herbal medicines and supplements, especially those that can affect hormone levels, can cause breast tissue to grow.

Some essential oils, such as lavender oil and tea tree oil, can have hormone-like effects and can cause gynaecomastia.

The use of herbal products, especially in regular and high doses, can lead to hormonal imbalances.

The effects of herbal products may vary individually, so it is important to review use when signs of gynaecomastia are noticed.

How to Recognise Gynaecomastia?

Gynaecomastia is a condition characterised by abnormal growth of breast tissue in men. There are some symptoms and indicators that should be considered to understand whether this condition is present:

Growth of Breast Tissue: The most obvious symptom is enlargement of one or both breasts. This enlargement is usually noticeable to the touch.

Tenderness or Pain in the Breasts: Individuals with gynaecomastia may feel tenderness or pain in their breasts. Although this pain is usually mild, it can be more severe in some cases.

Changes in the Nipple: Growth, swelling or other types of changes in the nipple may be a sign of gynaecomastia.

Hardening of the Breast Tissue: In people with gynaecomastia, the breast tissue may harden and a palpable lump or mass may form.

Asymmetrical Growth: Gynaecomastia can sometimes occur in only one breast, in which case asymmetry may occur between the breasts.

The presence of these symptoms indicates that you may have gynaecomastia. However, it is important to consult a health professional for diagnosis. The doctor will assess the condition and try to determine the cause of gynaecomastia through physical examination and, if necessary, ultrasound, blood tests or other imaging tests. At this stage, medication use, health conditions and lifestyle factors that may cause gynaecomastia are also considered. Once gynaecomastia has been diagnosed, an appropriate treatment plan is recommended depending on the underlying causes.

How to Prevent Gynaecomastia?

Gynaecomastia is a condition of abnormal growth of breast tissue in men and can develop due to various causes. Although it is not always possible to prevent it completely, some lifestyle changes and precautions can help reduce the risk:

Healthy Weight and Diet: Maintaining a healthy body weight can reduce the risk of gynaecomastia, especially considering that excess fat can lead to hormonal imbalances. A balanced and healthy diet helps to keep the amount of fat in the body under control.

Avoiding Alcohol and Drug Use: Excessive alcohol consumption and drug use can lead to hormonal imbalances and thus gynaecomastia. Avoiding these substances can reduce the risk.

Regular Exercise: Regular physical activity can help reduce body fat and prevent hormonal imbalances. Especially chest and upper body exercises can strengthen the muscles in this area.

Attention to Drug Use: Some medications can cause gynaecomastia. It is important to know the side effects of the drugs used and to discuss alternative treatments with the doctor when necessary.

Health Checks: Regular health checks can help early detection of hormonal imbalances or other health problems that can lead to gynaecomastia.

Caution with Herbal Products and Supplements: Some herbal products and supplements, especially those containing phytoestrogens, can affect hormonal balances. It may be useful to consult a doctor before using them.

Stress Management: Stress can contribute to hormonal imbalances. Managing stress, for example through meditation, yoga or regular exercise, can help maintain hormonal balances.

Although these measures cannot completely eliminate the risk of gynaecomastia, they can help reduce the risk. If abnormal growth or other symptoms are noticed in the chest area, it is important to contact a health professional. Gynaecomastia can sometimes be a symptom of a serious underlying health problem.

What are the Symptoms of Gynaecomastia?

Growth and enlargement of the breast tissue is felt on one or both sides.

There may be tenderness or pain in the breasts, especially in the nipples.

Hardening or mass-like structures can be noticed in the breast tissue.

Asymmetry of the breasts, i.e. one breast may be larger than the other.

In some cases, discolouration or swelling of the nipples may occur.


How is Gynaecomastia Treated?

Treatment varies depending on the underlying causes of gynaecomastia, hormonal imbalances are tried to be corrected with medications.

In case of obesity-related gynaecomastia, weight loss and exercise are recommended.

In some drug-induced gynaecomastia, the drug needs to be changed or discontinued.

Surgical intervention (liposuction or mastectomy) can be applied in cases of severe or persistent gynaecomastia.

Hormonal treatments can be given under doctor control, especially if there are hormonal imbalances.


How Does Gynaecomastia Go Away?

Temporary gynaecomastia associated with puberty usually resolves spontaneously over time.

Healthy lifestyle changes, weight loss and regular exercise can support recovery in some cases of gynaecomastia.

If there is an underlying health problem, treatment of this problem may help to improve gynaecomastia.

Drug-induced gynaecomastia may regress by changing or stopping the medication.

In cases of persistent gynaecomastia, surgical intervention is usually the most effective solution.

Types of Gynaecomastia

Puberty Gynaecomastia: It occurs as a result of temporary hormonal changes during puberty and usually resolves spontaneously.

Adult Gynaecomastia: It usually occurs due to hormonal imbalances, drug use or health problems and may require treatment.

  1. Senile Gynaecomastia: It develops in older men due to the natural aging process and hormonal changes.

Pathological Gynaecomastia: It develops due to serious underlying health problems (e.g. liver disease or hormone-producing tumours).

Drug-Induced Gynaecomastia: It occurs as a side effect of some medications and may improve with discontinuation of the medication.

How is Gynaecomastia Surgery Performed?

Only Liposuction (Fat Removal)

Liposuction is a method used in the treatment of gynaecomastia and is especially preferred in cases of excessive accumulation of fat tissue. During this procedure, excess fat tissue is suctioned through a small incision with the help of a special tube (cannula). Liposuction is usually performed under local anaesthesia and is a relatively less invasive method. Patient recovery time is usually shorter and the risk of scarring is less. However, liposuction is only effective for removing fatty tissue and may not be sufficient to remove excess skin or glandular tissue.

Surgical Removal of Tissues by Incision in the Breast Skin

This method is particularly preferred in cases where there is excess glandular breast tissue. During the surgical procedure, an incision is made in the breast skin and the excess breast tissue is carefully removed. This type of surgery is usually performed under general anaesthesia and is a more complex procedure. The recovery time may be longer than liposuction and may leave more prominent scars. This surgical method offers an effective solution in more severe forms of gynaecomastia and in cases where liposuction is inadequate. Depending on the patient’s condition and the surgeon’s assessment, it can sometimes be combined with liposuction.

What Should I Do Before Gynaecomastia Operation?

Before the gynaecomastia operation, you will need to make a detailed health assessment with your doctor. You may be asked to discontinue the use of blood thinners and some supplements before the operation. It is important to stop smoking and alcohol use at least a few weeks before the operation, as these substances can adversely affect the healing process. You may need to avoid eating and drinking after midnight the night before the operation. It is also recommended to plan ahead for the help and care you may need in the postoperative period.

Recovery after Gynaecomastia Surgery

After gynaecomastia surgery, there is a recovery process that usually lasts for a few days. Postoperative pain and swelling are normal and painkillers and cold compresses may be recommended for these conditions. Most patients can return to their daily activities one week after surgery, but heavy exercise and physical activities should be avoided for a while. The doctor will make regular check-ups to monitor the healing process and prevent possible complications. In the postoperative period, you may be asked to wear a supportive corset recommended by your doctor.

What are Gynaecomastia Treatment Options?

There are several options for the treatment of gynaecomastia and they vary according to the severity of the condition and the underlying causes. In mild cases, medication or lifestyle changes may be sufficient. In more severe cases, hormonal treatments or surgical interventions (liposuction or surgical removal of breast tissue) may be required. Surgery usually offers a permanent solution, but as with any surgical procedure, it involves certain risks. Alternatively, radiotherapy or endocrine therapies may be considered in some cases. Since each patient’s condition is different, the most appropriate treatment option is determined by your doctor’s assessment.

What is Non-Surgical Gynaecomastia?

Non-surgical gynaecomastia treatment involves reducing breast enlargement with methods that do not require surgical intervention. Such treatments are generally preferred in mild or moderate cases of gynaecomastia. Medication may be aimed at correcting hormonal imbalances and may reduce breast enlargement. Lifestyle changes, especially healthy eating and regular exercise, can help reduce fat tissue. In some cases, medical treatments such as hormone therapies or estrogen blockers may also be used. Non-surgical methods may not offer permanent solutions and may have limited effectiveness depending on the severity of the condition.

What are the risks of gynaecomastia surgery?

As with any surgical procedure, there are some risks associated with gynaecomastia surgery. Risks related to infection, bleeding and anaesthesia are among the general risks of surgery. Conditions such as excessive swelling, pain or numbness may occur after surgery. Rarely, aesthetic problems such as tissue damage or asymmetric breast shape may occur. Scar tissue (scar tissue) may develop during the postoperative healing process and this can sometimes be prominent. Long-term complications may include loss of sensation in the chest area or regrowth of breast tissue.

Gynaecomastia Surgery Prices 2023

Gynaecomastia surgery prices vary depending on many factors. The experience and position of the surgeon, the standards of the health institution where the surgery will be performed can affect the prices. The complexity of the surgery and the type of procedure required (liposuction, removal of tissues, etc.) are other factors that determine the cost. Additional costs may include additional services such as post-operative care, anaesthesia fees and hospitalisation. Prices may vary regionallyand health insurance coverage may affect costs. Current and incisionFormun Üstü

Frequently Asked Questions

Which anaesthesia is used for gynaecomastia surgery?

Gynaecomastia surgery is usually performed under general anaesthesia, so that the patient does not feel pain and is not conscious during the operation. In some cases, especially in less extensive interventions, local anaesthesia may be preferred. Under local anaesthesia, only the operated area is numbed and the patient remains awake. The type of anaesthesia depends on the complexity of the operation and the preferences of the patient and surgeon. Before the operation, the anaesthesiologist assesses the patient’s health status and decides on the most appropriate type of anaesthesia. Each type of anaesthesia has its own risks and advantages and this will be discussed in detail with your doctor.

How Many Days Does Recovery After Gynaecomastia Take?

The recovery process after gynaecomastia surgery usually ranges from a few days to a few weeks. The first few days after surgery, swelling and pain are the most intense. Most patients can return to daily light activities one week after surgery. Full recovery and final results usually take several weeks to several months. Your doctor will follow your healing process and make recommendations during postoperative check-ups. Avoiding heavy physical activity and exercise is important in accelerating the healing process.

How long does gynaecomastia surgery take?

The duration of gynaecomastia surgery varies depending on the type and complexity of the procedure. Generally, the surgery can take between 1 and 3 hours. While simpler liposuction procedures usually take less time, cases requiring the removal of complex tissues may take longer. The duration of the surgery also depends on factors such as the experience of the surgeon and the planning of the surgery. The exact duration of the surgery can be better estimated by the doctor before starting the surgical intervention.

Is there pain after gynaecomastia surgery?

Some pain and discomfort after gynaecomastia surgery is normal. This pain is usually manageable and can be alleviated with painkillers recommended by your doctor. Pain may be more pronounced in the first few days after surgery. The intensity and duration of pain may vary depending on the extent of the surgery and the person’s pain tolerance. The pain decreases over time and eases as the healing process progresses. If the pain lasts longer than expected or intensifies, it is important to contact your doctor.

Are There Any Scars After Gynaecomastia Surgery?

The possibility of scarring after gynaecomastia surgery depends on the type of surgery and surgical techniques. When the liposuction method is used, smaller and less obvious scars are usually left. In cases where tissues need to be surgically removed, scars may be larger and more prominent. However, with modern surgical techniques and proper wound care, scars can be minimised as much as possible. Over time, most surgical scars fade and become less noticeable. The appearance of scars also depends on the patient’s skin type and ability to heal. Your surgeon will inform you about how to manage scars before and after surgery.

Will I Use a Corset After Surgery?

It is generally recommended that you use a corset for a while after gynaecomastia surgery. The corset helps to reduce swelling in the surgical area and helps the tissues to adapt to their new shape. How long to use the corset may vary depending on the type of surgery and your doctor’s recommendations. The corset also provides comfort and supports movement during the healing process. The corset is usually worn continuously for several weeks, day and night. Your doctor will give you detailed information about the use and care of the corset.

Will Gynaecomastia Regress After I Lose Weight?

In overweight individuals, weight loss can help reduce fat tissue in the chest area and reduce the symptoms of gynaecomastia. However, depending on the severity and type of gynaecomastia, weight loss may not always be enough. If gynaecomastia is predominantly caused by fat tissue, weight loss may be more effective. Weight loss will also improve overall health and may reduce the need for surgery. However, in cases where there is excess glandular tissue, weight loss may not be enough and medical intervention may be required. It is important to keep in regular contact with your doctor during the weight loss process.

Will Gynaecomastia Recur After Gynaecomastia Surgery?

Gynaecomastia surgery usually offers permanent results, but in some cases there is a risk of recurrence of gynaecomastia. Recurrence may be due to hormonal imbalances, medication use, weight gain or certain health conditions. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle after surgery can reduce the risk of recurrence. Management of hormonal imbalances and weight control further reduce this risk. It is important to follow up regularly with your doctor in the postoperative period and report any possible changes. If gynaecomastia recurs, additional treatments may be required.

Does gynaecomastia go away without surgery?

In some cases, gynaecomastia can be treated with non-surgical methods or may resolve spontaneously over time. Gynaecomastia during puberty is usually temporary and resolves spontaneously with hormonal balancing. In mild cases, medication, lifestyle changes and hormonal treatments may be effective. Weight loss can be helpful in reducing symptoms, especially if gynaecomastia is caused by fat tissue. However, in severe or persistent cases of gynaecomastia, non-surgical methods are often inadequate and surgical intervention may be required. Non-surgical treatment options and effectiveness depend on the individual situation and the underlying causes of gynaecomastia.

When can I do sports after the operation?

When you can return to sports and heavy physical activities after gynaecomastia surgery depends on the extent of the surgery and the course of your recovery. Usually, it is possible to start light exercises a few weeks after surgery. However, intense sports activities and exercises such as weight lifting can usually be started after 4-6 weeks with the approval of your doctor. It is important to heed your doctor’s advice during your recovery and to stop activity in case of any pain or discomfort. Return to physical activities may vary according to the person’s general health status and recovery speed. Your doctor will guide you on when and how to return to sports and exercises.

Does gynaecomastia progress?

Gynaecomastia may progress or change over time in some cases. Progression is often due to underlying hormonal imbalances or health conditions. The severity of gynaecomastia can increase, especially when left untreated or when the underlying causes persist. In some cases, gynaecomastia may be mild initially but may become more prominent over time. Factors such as weight gain, medication use and aging can also contribute to the progression of gynaecomastia. Regular health checks and doctor’s advice are important to understand whether gynaecomastia is progressing or not.

What Happens If Gynaecomastia Is Not Treated?

If gynaecomastia is not treated, often the physical symptoms can be permanent. This can lead to psychological and emotional effects in some individuals, causing problems such as lack of self-confidence and social shyness. Physically, gynaecomastia can cause pain or discomfort. However, most of the time, gynaecomastia does not pose a serious health risk. When left untreated, underlying hormonal imbalance or health problems are ignored, which can lead to other health problems. Treatment can also improve aesthetic concerns and comfort.

Does SSI cover gynaecomastia surgery?

Whether gynaecomastia surgery is covered by the Social Security Institution (SSI) depends on the country’s health policies and individual insurance plans. In some cases, if gynaecomastia surgery is considered a medical necessity, it may be partially or fully covered by the SSI. However, if the surgery is performed for purely aesthetic purposes, the costs of such an intervention are usually not covered by SSI. For up-to-date information and conditions, it is best to contact SGK or get detailed information from your health insurance provider.

Is Gynaecomastia Surgery Permanent?

Gynaecomastia surgery usually offers permanent results, but in some cases there may be a risk of recurrence of gynaecomastia. Surgery effectively removes excess breast tissue and fat, but if factors such as the patient’s hormonal balance, weight status or medication use change, gynaecomastia may develop again. A healthy lifestyle, maintaining hormone balance and regular medical follow-up are important in reducing the risk of recurrence. Following your doctor’s recommendations after surgery helps to maintain permanent results.

Why Gynaecomastia Corset is Used?

The corset used after gynaecomastia surgery is important to support the healing process and provide the best results. The corset helps to reduce swelling in the surgery area, help the skin adapt to its new contours and improve blood circulation. It also reduces the pain that may occur after surgery.

At what age is male breast enlargement most common?

Male breast enlargement is especially common in two main age groups: adolescence and middle-aged men. In young men during puberty, hormonal changes can cause temporary gynaecomastia. Usually, this condition resolves spontaneously with the end of puberty. In middle-aged and older men, decreasing testosterone levels with age and increasing body fat increase the risk of gynaecomastia. Breast enlargement in these age groups can sometimes be permanent and may require medical intervention. Hormonal imbalances and health conditions can contribute to gynaecomastia in both age groups.

Are the nipple and nipple also reduced during surgery?

During gynaecomastia surgery, the nipple and nipple can also be reduced if necessary. The surgery aims to remove enlarged breast tissue and correct the chest contour. If the nipple and nipple are abnormally enlarged or enlarged, their size is also surgically corrected. This is done to improve the overall aesthetic appearance and achieve a more natural profile. The reduction of the nipple and nipple is planned by the doctor according to the needs of the patient and the details of the surgery. The surgical approach is individualised according to each patient’s condition and expectations.

Can Breast Enlargement in Men be Prevented?

It may not always be possible to completely prevent breast enlargement in men, but the risk can be reduced by taking some precautions. A healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and regular exercise can help keep hormonal imbalances and weight gain under control. It is also important to avoid alcohol and drug use, as these substances can affect hormonal balances. As some medications can cause gynaecomastia, the use of medication and possible side effects should be discussed with your doctor. Early diagnosis and treatment of hormonal imbalances can also help prevent breast enlargement. Genetic factors and individual health conditions should also be considered.

How to Eliminate Breast Fat in Men?

Fat in the breast in men can be reduced, especially through healthy weight loss and exercise. A balanced diet and calorie control help reduce body fat. Cardio exercises and strength training encourage fat burning and increase muscle mass. In particular, chest exercises can provide a firmer appearance by strengthening the muscles in this area. However, if adiposity is associated with gynaecomastia, diet and exercise alone may be insufficient. In this case, medical interventions, such as surgical procedures such as liposuction, may be necessary. In any case, the weight management and exercise programme should be tailored to individual health status and goals.

